Monday, May 21, 2007

Times of Change - Readings and Questions

Look up both words in the title of the short essay. What do they mean?
Relate the title to the reading. What is Warren saying? How do you think this will relate to the rest of our study if Vietnam?

Dubious-marked by or occasioning doubt

Crusade-any vigorous, aggressive movement for the defense or advancement of an idea,cause,etc.

The title relates to the reading because Warren is talking about how we started out confident and sure of ourselves, and at the end of the war we no longer knew what we thought we had, we were doubtful and we went to Vietnam because we believed that it was the right thing to do.

That it was a good cause and idea. I think this will relate because we will learn about how we went from knowing the answers to becoming doubtful.

What is the overall theme of Vuong-Riddick's poem?

The theme of the poem is death. Vuong-Riddick talks about how throughout Vietnam's history, most of it had been marked by death and war.

What is the main thesis of the essay?

The main thesis of the essay is that the war was declared because of a lie. We will never know the true reason why Johnson wanted to go to war, nor will we know what acctually happened to one of our ships. The reason for war is unsure, but many believe we went to Vietnam because of a lie.

What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?

It was a resolution to defend the US destroyers on the Gulf of Tonkin and anywhere else near Vietnam.

What evidence does the author give to support his thesis?

He gives the real numbers of Congress who voted on it. He also used primary evidence (one of the Senators who voted agaisnt it).

How does this link to the theme of the first reading, “A Dubious Crusade”?

It links because after the patriotic fever died down, people wanted to know why we had declared the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. We were not so sure about it. People had doubts and questions.

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